February is off to a great start at Dooley School! We celebrated our students at our whole school PBIS assembly, wrapped up ACCESS testing, and kicked off our Dooley February Glimmers. We hope you enjoy hearing about your child’s GLIMMERS from this week!
Our Kindergarten students also celebrated their 100th day of school this week. We are so proud of all the growth they’ve made since the beginning of the school year!
During the month of February, our students will be writing down their GLIMMER OF THE DAY on a notes page with the hopes of sharing this positive news with their family and doubling the great feelings that were experienced during the school day. We encourage you to talk with your child/children about their GLIMMER OF THE DAY. They will be bringing their glimmer page home at the end of each week during the month of February. Some ideas for collecting and sharing glimmers in your home throughout the month of February include:
We can’t wait to hear about the creative ideas you come up with as a family!
Our fourth, fifth, and sixth grade families received a link to the pre-recorded Reproductive System webinar on Thursday, February 6, 2025. This link will be available through Monday, February 17, 2025 for your viewing. This will be an opportunity for parents and guardians to preview the materials presented to the students. The webinar is accompanied by a Frequently Asked Question page to support the materials our intermediate students will be receiving soon. Please feel free to reach out to our nurse, your child’s classroom teacher, or me with any questions.
It’s time to place your February food pantry orders. Click on this link to fill out your order. Within 3-5 days your order should be ready and you will receive a phone call and/or email with further details about when to come and pick up. Please do not place an order unless you can pick up within a week of when your food is ready.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Roth (630) 736-2530 or [email protected] ***If this is your first visit this school year, please click on this link and complete your registration.
The countdown to an extraordinary journey has begun! Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! If you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in August 2025, we encourage you to log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and complete the online portion of the application now. If you do not have your login, please contact [email protected].
After completing the online application, please call your child’s school to make an appointment to turn in necessary documents in order to finish your child’s registration. If you can, bring your future kindergartner with you, as we have a special surprise for them!
District 54 is also asking for your help in spreading the word about kindergarten registration. If you know of a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025, please encourage the family to start their enrollment online at sd54.org/kindergarten. The sooner students enroll, the sooner District 54 will know how many kindergarten teachers we need to best serve our kindergarten class of 2025-26.
February 14th: Valentine’s Party and Half Day dismissal @ 11:40 AM
February 17: No School Presidents Day
March 8th: D54 Multicultural event
March 21: Spring Break begins at the end of the day
April 2: School Resumes