Our staff is excited to virtually welcome students back to school in a couple of weeks. Teachers have been busy preparing lessons, attending professional development sessions, and planning with their teams to ensure that our first weeks together are truly magnificent. It is our priority this year to ensure that we are making meaningful connections with students and families, engaging students at high levels, and supporting the academic, social and emotional needs of each child.
Class placements are now viewable through the Parent Portal. If you have not set up a Parent Portal or are having difficulty logging in, you can email [email protected]. Parents, please note that detailed class schedules will be shared on the 19th at our Virtual Curriculum Night (see below for details).
As the start of the year approaches, we have plans in place to ensure that student materials are picked up in a safe and organized way. On August 17th and 18th (see schedule below) we will facilitate a supply pick up drive through system for students in grades 1-6. Kindergarten pick up is tentatively scheduled for August 27th. Pick up times are arranged by homeroom teachers. You can find your child’s homeroom teacher by logging into the Parent Portal. If you have trouble logging in, please email [email protected]. Please read carefully to ensure that the procedures are followed as best as possible:
Homeroom Teacher | Pick Up Time | Pick Up Location |
Mrs. Kim | 2:15-2:30 | Lowell Lane |
Ms. Serna | 2:30-2:45 | Lowell Lane |
Ms. Giammarese | 2:45-3:00 | Lowell Lane |
Ms. Komoda | 2:00-2:15 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Hernandez | 2:15-2:30 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Umemori | 2:30-2:45 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Mui | 2:45-3:00 | Norwood Lane |
Homeroom Teacher | Pick Up Time | Pick Up Location |
Ms. Serena | 8:20-8:40 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Nowak | 8:40-9:00 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Bell | 9:00-9:20 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Sanders | 9:20-9:40 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Bach | 9:40-10:00 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Kim | 10:00-10:20 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Meservey | 10:20-10:40 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Frieders | 10:40-11:00 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Brandys | 11:00-11:20 | Norwood Lane |
Ms. Whowell | 11:20-11:40 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Vandebogart | 11:20—11:40 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Tufexis | 11:40-12:00 | Norwood Lane |
Mrs. Abe | 11:40-12:00 | Norwood Lane |
Homeroom Teacher | Pick Up Time | Pick Up Location |
Yamamoto | 9:00-9:30 | Norwood Lane |
Herbig | 9:30-10:00 | Norwood Lane |
Mannina | 10:00-10:30 | Norwood Lane |
Our Technology Department has been working to support students and staff as we all learn and work remotely. We understand that some families are experiencing slow speeds or problems with their providers, and we ask you to report that directly to your provider.
People experiencing problems with District 54 technology (Chromebooks and iPads for students) should email [email protected] so that we can troubleshoot the problem via phone or email. If the problem cannot be resolved, we have a technology drop-off program. To schedule an appointment to drop off a broken laptop, iPad or other device, you must first email [email protected]. Please do not stop by without an appointment. By making an appointment, we can abide by the rules of social distancing and ensure we have a replacement device ready for you when you arrive.
The Dooley office is open from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM each day. Our preference is for paperwork to be submitted electronically when possible to reduce contact with visitors. Documents can be submitted via email to Mrs. Lancaster [email protected], Mrs. Mitsuno [email protected] or Mrs. Johnson, our school nurse at [email protected].
Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs. Mitsuno have been contacting families with incomplete registration for their children. Please remember that complete residency is required to finalize your child’s enrollment. Please call the office if you have any questions at 847-357-6250. If you would like to schedule a time to drop off paperwork in person, please review the new procedures for visitors:
Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs. Mitsuno will go through a COVID self-screener checklist when a visitor rings the bell. All visitors are required to wear a mask and will get their temperature checked prior to entering the school.
We are excited to host our first ever Virtual Curriculum Night on Wednesday, August 19th from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. We will start the night off with our building kick off and staff introductions. Following our kick off, teachers will lead out two classroom sessions, at 7:20 and 7:40. This will allow parents with multiple children to attend both sessions.
August 17: Supply Pick Up for 3rd and 4th Graders (3rd graders return iPads on this day)
August 18: Supply Pick Up for 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th Graders
August 19: Virtual Curriculum Night (7:00-8:00PM)
August 24: First day of virtual learning for students in grades 1st thru 6th
August 24 – 26: Kindergarten Screenings
August 27: Kindergarten Supply Pick Up
August 31: First day of virtual learning for Kindergarteners
We thank you for your ongoing support. While this is not the start of the year we could have imagined or hoped for, we know that we will make it memorable for our students! Please reach out with any questions you may have.