We had so much fun seeing our Dooley students and families at supply pick up this week. We would like to thank all of you for the great turn out to our Virtual Curriculum Night sessions on Wednesday. Our teachers were so happy to connect with you before the start of our school year. Here is the link to our welcome back video, in case you missed it on Wednesday.
The first day of remote learning for students in first thru sixth grades is this Monday, August 24th. Please see below for important technology information that will help ensure students are ready to go on Monday morning. We are excited for what is sure to be an incredible first week back!
District 54 has created a Family Resources site that families can access to learn how to navigate the apps and programs that students will be using.
Additional resources for the apps and sites that teachers use will be added. What is on the site as of this moment are the “need to knows” for the start of the school year.
We have created a brief run-through of how students in K-2 and 3-8 will sign in and be present in their classes on the first day. The videos highlight 3 key points – How to login/join, how to switch between classes, and how to navigate to tasks/activities. There is a video for Seesaw and a video for Google Classroom. The 2 videos combined take up a total of just under 7 minutes.
Students Starting School Using Seesaw
Students Starting School Using Google Classroom
Each day, please remember to open Seesaw and go to your child’s Homeroom class and navigate to activities for the day. This will allow you to obtain the Zoom link for the daily morning meeting.
We want to provide a resource to help your child navigate Zoom! Here is a tutorial for students on how they can navigate and use Zoom using their Chromebook! Please watch the tutorial prior to Monday.
Using Zoom on the Chromebook Tutorial – For Students
Please have your children check their Gmail accounts prior to the first day of school. They will have an email that provides all the necessary codes to join their Google Classrooms.
Hotspots are also available for financially struggling families who don’t have internet access at home. Please contact our office if you are experiencing financial hardships and need a hotspot.
Our Technology Department has been working to support students and staff as we all learn and work remotely. We understand that some families are experiencing slow speeds or problems with their providers, and we ask you to report that directly to your provider.
People experiencing problems with District 54 technology (Chromebooks and iPads for students) should email [email protected] so that we can troubleshoot the problem via phone or email. If the problem cannot be resolved, we have a technology drop-off program. To schedule an appointment to drop off a broken laptop, iPad or other device, you must first email [email protected]. Please do not stop by without an appointment. By making an appointment, we can abide by the rules of social distancing and ensure we have a replacement device ready for you when you arrive.
The Dooley office is open from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM each day. Our preference is for paperwork to be submitted electronically when possible to reduce contact with visitors. Documents can be submitted via email to Mrs. Lancaster [email protected], Mrs. Mitsuno [email protected] or Mrs. Johnson, our school nurse at [email protected].
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, students are in remote learning sessions from 8:40-3:00. Wednesday hours are 8:40-2:30 due to staff professional development.
All pick-ups will be in the front circle drive: Norwood Lane
Homeroom Teacher | Pick-Up Time | Pick-Up Location |
Yamamoto | 9:00-9:30 | Norwood Lane |
Herbig | 9:30-10:00 | Norwood Lane |
Mannina | 10:00-10:30 | Norwood Lane |
Parents who ordered a yearbook, please read the attached letter from Lifetouch. Lifetouch 8.14.20.docx
Kindergarten and 6th grade parents, please remember to submit new physical exam and immunization records to the school. Parents can email these documents to Mrs. Johnson, [email protected], mail them to the school, or drop them off at the office by scheduling a time 847-357-6250.
The 20-21 District Calendar was recently updated, and can be viewed here: 20-21 District Calendar. Please note the first day of school for Grades 1-6 is August 24, and the first day of school for Kindergarten is August 31.
August 24: First day of virtual learning for students in grades 1st thru 6th
August 24-26: Kindergarten Screenings
August 27: Kindergarten Supply Pick Up
August 31: First day of virtual learning for kindergarteners
September 7: Labor Day, no remote learning
September 14: PTA Zoom Meeting @ 6:00