As we wrap up 2020, we would like to send our sincere gratitude to all of our families. We are grateful for your support and partnership, as we have navigated remote learning this year. We hope the holiday season finds your families safe and healthy.
Our highlight for today is Ms. Serena’s first and second grade class. This week, students in room 107 completed an act of kindness and reflected on how it made them feel and how it made the other person feel. We enjoyed reading about all of their kind gestures. Room 107 Kindness Challenge. First and second graders in room 107 also showed off their spirit for the week on a spirit week Padlet.
In P.E. with Mr. Pappas, students have showed their creativity by building snowmen. We loved seeing all of the clever items that were used and hope you enjoy looking at the Snowman 2020 Challenge.
We are looking forward to seeing students on Zoom on Monday, January 4, 2021!
Dooley PTA is excited to offer our annual talent show virtually this year! Please see the Google Form to sign up! Dooley’s Got Talent Permission Slip & Sign Up
A decade’s worth of research on gratitude has shown us that when life is going well, gratitude allows us to celebrate and magnify the goodness. But what about when life goes badly? The sixth, and final, Optimistic Household module, Restart Forward Progress, is now available for you to access with your family here: Optimistic Household homepage. You can also view the first five modules. Don’t forget to share your family’s experiences with us on social media with #OptimisticHousehold and #54Happiness or by sending photos and videos to [email protected].
The year 2020 has been a difficult time for so many people. Throughout this year one thing that hasn’t changed is District 54’s commitment to the well-being of our community. This week we are launching a new online District 54 Wellness Space. This website includes videos, resources and links to valuable activities for students, for families and for staff. For example, the student pages include energizing videos and calming videos, read-alouds of books about feelings, and links to help children manage their emotions. The pages for adults include mental health webinars, COVID-related resources and links to support provided by District 54. We hope you will take the time to explore this self-care website and engage with the resources that best support your needs.
The School District 54 Food Pantry at Mead: The D54 Food Pantry at Mead is open and ready to serve our District 54 families. Although you will not be able to come into the pantry due to COVID restrictions, you will be able to place an order online and pick up at the pantry site. Please click on this link to place your order online. If you have any questions, please call (847) 357-6000.
During this unprecedented school year our six District 54 food pantries have been utilized more than ever before. We know that many of our families and community members look to support these pantries especially as the holidays approach. At this time, for safety reasons, we are not accepting physical supply donations, however monetary donations would be greatly appreciated and well utilized. District 54 has set up a Food Pantry Donation page for interested families and community members through the Infinite Campus Portal. To make a monetary donation, please log in to the Infinite Campus Portal HERE and follow the below example:
Log into Infinite Campus the same way you would normally. On the left hand side you will see an option “School Store”.
Clicking “Shop” will bring you to the below screen. If your school has set up a donation page, you will see the school’s donation item along with the D54 food pantry. If your school does not have an additional donation page you will only see the D54 food pantry icon. You then click “View” in order to see the description and make a donation.
December 18th: Winter break begins at the end of the day
January 4th: School resumes
January 18th: Non-Attendance Day
January 19th: Hybrid Group B on Campus
January 21st: Hybrid Group A on Campus