It was a great week for us reconnecting with students after winter break. We loved hearing about how they spent break and are so proud of how quickly students transitioned back to their remote learning routines. We started the week off with a welcome back assembly and classrooms have enjoyed spending time working on goals for 2021. We are excited to share magnificent moments together in 2021!
Dooley PTA is excited to offer our annual talent show virtually this year! Please see the Google Form to sign up! Dooley’s Got Talent Permission Slip & Sign Up
SO will be hosting a children’s read aloud in Japanese for Dooley students! Please join our Zoom at 7:00 on Wednesday, January 20th. Following the story, SO welcomes a Dooley alumni student to share their experiences in the Where are they now? series. We hope you can join us! SO will have their monthly meeting at 8:00. All are welcome!
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced on December 17th that the testing date for the ACCESS test for English Learners (ELLs) has been delayed. The federally required test, which measures the proficiency of English Learners in reading, writing, speaking and listening, was scheduled to begin in January. The delay allows districts to wait until March 15th, at the earliest, to begin administering the test. Additional information will be shared as it becomes available.
District 54 will hold kindergarten registration for the 2021-22 school year by appointment only starting Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
Families must begin the process by completing an online registration (starting January 25th) prior to securing an appointment.
If you have a student currently enrolled in District 54, you can register your incoming kindergartener through your Parent Portal account. Families new to District 54 can register through the link on our website (
Once your online registration is complete, you will be contacted to schedule your in person appointment to complete your student’s registration. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 847-357-6250.
We are looking forward to welcoming students back to school in person later this month. Students enrolled in hybrid learning group A meet on Mondays and Thursdays. Group B meet on Tuesdays and Fridays. On the other three days of the week, your child will attend school remotely, Zooming into their classroom. The first day of on-campus attendance group A is Thursday, January 21st. The first day of on-campus attendance for group B is Tuesday, January 19th.
In preparation for that day, we encourage you to review the updated District 54 Reopening Plan, check out our website at and watch the Back to School video with your children.
Please take a moment to review the important information below. Thank you for your support in keeping our students and staff healthy.
Any individual who shows any signs or symptoms of illness must stay home. Anyone who begins to exhibit a fever or COVID-19 like symptoms while at school will be sent to the school nurse. Students will wait in quarantine rooms until they can be picked up from school. Students in quarantine at home who feel well may transition to remote learning.
Individuals may not return to school until they have met the criteria outlined in the District 54 Exclusion Chart.
Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 or who shows any signs or symptoms of illness must stay home. Please report possible cases of COVID-19 to your school so that we can initiate contact tracing and notify others who have had close contact.
Please have your child(ren) line up in the classroom location assigned. As a reminder, students must maintain a distance of 6 feet apart and be wearing a mask. There are painted yellow lines already spaced out for distancing. We ask that you please do not stand with/next to your child so that we can adhere to safe social distancing protocols while waiting to come into the building. Parents should not proceed past the red perimeter in the attached map. Students will be welcomed in at 8:30, with a staggered entrance procedure. Students should not be on school property prior to 8:25. At the end of the day, students will exit the same door they entered. If there is inclement weather, we will begin opening the doors at 8:25.
Parents, please call the office at 847-357-6250 or email Mrs. Lancaster ([email protected]) and Mrs. Mitsuno ([email protected]) to report your child’s absences.
January 11th: PTA Meeting @ 6:00 Zoom Link
January 18th: Non-Attendance Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19th: Hybrid Group B on Campus
January 20th: Schaumburg Oyanokai Children’s Read Aloud and Where are They Now @ 7:00; Meeting @ 8:00
January 21st: Hybrid Group A on Campus
January 27th: Student Non-Attendance Day, Teacher Remote Planning Day; Virtual Open Enrollment Fair @ 7:00 p.m.
February 6th – 19th: PTA Virtual Book Fair
February 11th: Half-Day, No School in Afternoon, Student Led Conferences
February 12th: Non-Attendance Day, Student Led Conferences
February 15th: Non-Attendance Day, Presidents Day