We have enjoyed connecting with our hybrid and remote learners this week at school and on Zoom. Our teachers are proud of how well students have collaborated and participated in classes.
Our highlight for today is Mrs. Mannina’s kindergarten class. Students participated in a kindness challenge. We loved seeing their kind acts of walking the dog, writing notes to their siblings, and feeding the birds. We hope you enjoy some of their kindness project pictures.
Dooley PTA is excited to offer our annual talent show virtually this year! Please see the Google Form to sign up! Dooley’s Got Talent Permission Slip & Sign Up
This winter we will test second through eighth grade students using the MAP assessment tool. The computer-based assessment will be administered to students in person based on the day/time assigned below because we know that the most reliable administration and data point comes when students are tested in person. The purpose of the assessment is to inform teachers of the immediate instructional needs of students. MAP results equip educators with key data to help personalize instruction and pinpoint individual student needs.
With the testing being in-person on assigned days/times it will be important for the school to partner with families to help this process be as successful as possible.
Important Details on the Winter MAP Assessment:
Monday, February 1st | 2nd Grade Hybrid Group A
& 2nd Grade Remote Testing Group A |
Tuesday, February 2nd | 2nd Grade Hybrid Group B
& 2nd Grade Remote Testing Group B |
Thursday, February 4th | 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Hybrid Group A
& 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Remote Testing Group A |
Friday, February 5th | 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Hybrid Group B
& 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Remote Testing Group B |
Remote only students will receive testing group assignments and times in the mail.
District 54 offers the opportunity for students to be a part of an additional curricular program to give them a unique learning experience outside of general education. Join District 54 at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27, for a virtual informational fair to learn more about the registration, application and acceptance process and timeline, transportation and the assignment of schools. Representatives from each school will also briefly introduce their programs. Open Enrollment Fair Zoom Link
In the weeks following the virtual fair, each school will have at least two additional informational sessions where you can learn more about that specific school, it’s culture and curriculum and also take a virtual tour of the school. You will have the opportunity to talk to the principal and staff members.
Students must be registered at their District 54 neighborhood school before they can be accepted into an open enrollment program. Registration opens on February 3, 2021. Open Enrollment applications are available at sd54.org/openenrollment and are due by March 5, 2021.
SO is in need for someone who can store Culture Night materials (Estimated 6x6x6ft) temporarily, starting in February. Please help us by lending us your spaces! Contact Akiko ([email protected]) for details.
SO will be hosting a children’s read aloud in Japanese for Dooley students! Please join our Zoom at 7:00 on Wednesday, February 3rd. Following the story, SO will welcome a Dooley alumni student to share their experiences in the Where are they now? series. We hope you can join us! SO will have their monthly meeting at 8:00. All are welcome!
District 54 will hold kindergarten registration for the 2021-22 school year by appointment only starting Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
Families must begin the process by completing an online registration (starting January 25th) prior to securing an appointment.
If you have a student currently enrolled in District 54, you can register your incoming kindergartener through your Parent Portal account. Families new to District 54 can register through the link on our website (http://sd54.org/registration).
Once your online registration is complete, you will be contacted to schedule your in person appointment to complete your student’s registration. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 847-357-6250.
Our first week back to hybrid learning was a success. Students did an excellent job wearing masks and following safety procedures.
Currently, District 54 is examining revisions to our hybrid model, offering up to five full days of on-campus instruction for students in our general education programs. We say “up to five days” because we cannot finalize our plans until we confirm how many students will attend in person.
A start date for additional days of attendance will be communicated once we confirm the number of students attending in person and plans are finalized.
We encourage you to review the updated District 54 Reopening Plan, check out our website at sd54.org/reopeningd54 and watch the Back to School video with your children.
Also, please take a moment to review the important information below. Thank you for your support in keeping our students and staff healthy.
Any individual who shows any signs or symptoms of illness must stay home. Anyone who begins to exhibit a fever or COVID-19 like symptoms while at school will be sent to the school nurse. Students will wait in quarantine rooms until they can be picked up from school. Students in quarantine at home who feel well may transition to remote learning.
Individuals may not return to school until they have met the criteria outlined in the District 54 Exclusion Chart.
Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 or who shows any signs or symptoms of illness must stay home. Please report possible cases of COVID-19 to your school so that we can initiate contact tracing and notify others who have had close contact.
Before returning to school the student must
Parent Information_ Hybrid Arrival_Dismissal.pdf
Please have your child(ren) line up in the classroom location assigned. As a reminder, students must maintain a distance of 6 feet apart and be wearing a mask. There are painted yellow lines already spaced out for distancing. We ask that you please do not stand with/next to your child so that we can adhere to safe social distancing protocols while waiting to come into the building. Parents should not proceed past the red perimeter in the attached map. Students will be welcomed in at 8:30, with a staggered entrance procedure. Students should not be on school property prior to 8:25. At the end of the day, students will exit the same door they entered. If there is inclement weather, we will begin opening the doors at 8:25.
Each day of hybrid learning students must:
Our Dooley PTA would like to start working on options for a yearbook for the 20-21 school year. We are looking for some volunteers to help with this committee. If you are interested, please respond to this email.
Additionally, yearbooks from 2019-2020 are on sale. Please contact the office if you are interested in purchasing one at 847-357-6250.
As we take off into a brand new year, we’d like to invite you all to join us on D54 Airways as we embark on yet another asynchronous day for our students! Come Fly With Us! We are excited to share The Great D54 Paper Airplane Challenge with all of you! Your boarding pass will allow you access on the morning of January 27th to the site and the activities created for our students. Our school will also have a padlet where students can share a picture, post or video of their work from the day. The interactive link for activities will be sent by your child’s teacher on the morning of Wednesday, January 27th.
Our fourth, fifth, and sixth grade families will be receiving a pre-recorded link to the Reproductive System webinar on Friday, January 29th. This link will be available through Friday, February 5th for your viewing. This webinar will provide you information around the Reproductive System Unit that includes sexual education material. This webinar will be accompanied by a Frequently Asked Question page to support the materials our intermediate students will be receiving soon. If your child did not receive this unit last year due to the pandemic, an in depth review of last year’s information will also be provided.
January 27th: Student Asynchronous Half Day: Come Fly With Us!; Virtual Open Enrollment Fair @ 7:00 p.m.
February 3rd: Schaumburg Oyanokai Children’s Read Aloud and Where are They Now @ 7:00 Zoom ; Meeting @ 8:00 Zoom
February 6th – 19th: PTA Virtual Book Fair
February 11th: Half-Day, No School in Afternoon, Student Led Conferences
February 12th: Non-Attendance Day, Student Led Conferences
February 15th: Non-Attendance Day, Presidents Day