We are excited to share that two of our mystery staff members will be reading the book, Shopping for a Pair of Gloves, てぶくろをかいに, in Japanese tonight! The mystery readers will be live on Zoom tonight at 7:00 p.m.
Zoom Link December 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
At 8:00, we will have our monthly Schaumburg Oyanokai meeting. We hope to see you there!
Schaumburg Oyanokai
Please take this Survey to let us know how we can help you the best. (Due by Wed. 12/16/20)
Our next SO meeting is Wednesday, December 16th at 8pm. Our WHERE ARE THEY NOW? guest is Mr. Sean Honesty.
Meeting ID: 899 2058 6761
Passcode: 214228
We are still very short of collecting membership. Please consider joining by completing the following form below and pay by either PayPal or check.
Amazon Smile: When shopping at Amazon, please register SO for Amazon Smile!
Contact Akiko (president) [email protected] for any questions.
こちらのアンケートSurvey にご協力ください。親の会の活動について皆様のご意見が必要です。(12/16/20 (水) 〆切)
12月16日(水)8pm 次回ミーティングWHERE ARE THEY NOW?Sean Honestyさん(2010年卒)がゲストスピーカーです!上記Zoomでご参加下さい。
https://forms.gle/sajet75btPQAhup16 Amazon Smile:Amazonでお買い物の際は、シャンバーグ親の会をAmazon Smileにご登録ください!
ご質問等は会長:岡田亜希子 [email protected] までどうぞ。