
April 26, 2022

Thank you for your patience during arrival and dismissal today.  There is maintenance that needs to take place in our drive on Norwood Lane.  Our Norwood parking lot in the front of the school will be closed beginning tomorrow.  For at least the remainder of the week we will need to continue to reroute bus traffic.  We will use the same procedures as today:

  • All buses will unload on Lowell Lane in the morning
  • Buses will load in the Lowell Lane parking lot and on Lowell lane in the afternoon

If your child is in a before school club, we ask that you park and then have your child walk to the main door.  If  you are picking your child up for an after school activity, please park on Lowell or Norwood and walk to meet your child near the main entryway.

If you and your child can walk or bike to school, we encourage you to do so.  It is critical that parents do not cross children in the middle of the street.  When crossing the street students and adults should always use the crosswalk, where the crossing guard is present.  This is especially important with the additional traffic.  We greatly appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal.