
February 24, 2025

Today marks the end of the second trimester. We are so proud of our Dragons for all they have accomplished so far this school year! 

Schaumburg Oyanokai’s 17th annual Japanese Culture Night returns to Dooley on Friday, April 25! Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm for a fun festival to celebrate Japanese culture. This event features food, games, performances, activities, a silent auction, and much more. Admission is free of charge.

As always, this event would not be possible without the generous help of our volunteers. Please consider helping out by volunteering on the night of the event using the signup page:
 Also, please take the survey, which includes several other ways you can contribute: Thanks, and we hope to see you there!

We are also so excited for our Dooley Fun Fair in just two weeks. In order to make this event possible, we need parent volunteers to run games and help with concessions. We have split the volunteer time into one hour sessions so you are still able to enjoy the fun fair with your children and help make it an awesome event. If you are able to volunteer, please click here to sign up! 

Respect Week March 3-7

Respect week has been celebrated in Illinois for over a decade! Respect week is all about inclusion, acceptance and awareness for everyone, regardless of ability. Please join us by wearing a color for each day of the week to help us celebrate!

3/3- Wear orange for kicking of Respect Week
3/4- Wear teal for Fragile x
3/5- Wear red for Apert Syndrome
3/6- Wear blue for Angelman Syndrome
3/7- Wear lime for Kabuki Syndrome 

graphic about what to wear each day for Respect Week

Dental Clinic

The Smile Illinois Moblie Dentist program is again being offered on Thursday, February 27th. The clinic site is Campanelli School (310  So Springinsguth Rd, Schaumburg). Dooley students are welcome to schedule an appointment for this service by contacting the Dooley nurse, Mrs. Johnson (847-367-6260) for permission form or complete the permission form online at
 Services provided include dental exam, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride and sealants. There may be no cost to you if your child is insured with Medicaid or All Kids. Private insurance and self-pay options are also available. Parents must provide transportation. 

5 Essentials Survey

Once again we are reaching out to our families and asking you to participate in the annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide us with your perspective and help guide our school improvement efforts. If you do not want your child to participate, please contact your school principal by Monday, February 17th. If you have children at more than one school, you must contact the principal at each school. The parent survey will be available online through March 31st, at

Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026

The countdown to an extraordinary journey has begun! Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! If you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in August 2025, we encourage you to log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and complete the online portion of the application now.  If you do not have your login, please contact [email protected]
 After completing the online application, please call your child’s school to make an appointment to turn in necessary documents in order to finish your child’s registration. If you can, bring your future kindergartner with you, as we have a special surprise for them!
District 54 is also asking for your help in spreading the word about kindergarten registration. If you know of a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025, please encourage the family to start their enrollment online at The sooner students enroll, the sooner District 54 will know how many kindergarten teachers we need to best serve our kindergarten class of 2025-26.  

Apply Today! Open Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year Closes February 28

Families of kindergarten-bound students: Are you looking for a unique learning opportunity for your child in the 2025-26 school year? District 54 offers Spanish-English Dual Language, Japanese-English Dual Language, Mandarin Chinese Immersion and K-8 community school programs, providing enriching and innovative educational experiences.
The application deadline is February 28, so don’t wait! Open enrollment applications are part of the kindergarten registration process. Visit to learn more and apply today!

Upcoming Dates

February 28: Book Fair 3:00-6:00 PM
March 3: Wear ORANGE for Happiness Month Kickoff and Respect Week
March 7: Dooley Fun Fair
March 8: D54 Multicultural event
March 21: Spring Break begins at the end of the day 
April 2: School Resumes 
April 4: Dooley Science Fair  
April 16: Celebrate Reading and Writing Night 5:00-6:30 PM