We would like to thank all of the families who participated in the Lou’s Dining Night Out sponsored by our PTA. Dooley PTA received $267.54 from this fundraiser!
Our classroom highlight this week is Ms. Horikawa’s first grade dual language kindergarten. Students had many Magnificent Moments in reading, writing, science, math, and SEL this week. We hope you enjoy the room 102 highlight!
Summer is right around the corner and the perfect way to enjoy it is to join a Summer of 54 camp! Your child can build robots, design a t-shirt, learn a new sport, brush up on music skills, and so much more! T-shirts are included with registration, which is now available in your Parent Portal. Seats fill up fast so sign up now to be a part of the Summer of 54 Camp family! If you would like more information on each camp and the courses, please click on 2021 Summer of 54 Camp Brochure.
Welcome to the Trick Shot Challenge! This challenge is open to all students in D54. Find your favorite hoop, goal, net, or garbage can, and start scoring! Record your favorite shot to the Trick-Shot Padlet below to become #54FAMOUS! Remember to like your favorite shots from across the district! Click on the link below for our trick shot website and padlet. Make sure to check out some of our Mr. Pappas’ trick shots!
District 54 is pleased to offer beginning instruction on band and orchestra instruments to students entering sixth grade for the 2021-2022 school year. The District 54 Instrumental Music Program provides students with one weekly lesson during the school day and one weekly after-school band or orchestra rehearsal at their neighborhood junior high. More details about the program will be shared with students during a presentation during the school day and for families at the enrollment informational meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, April 28th at 7 p.m. Visit the instrumental enrollment page for more information.
Instrumental Enrollment page: https://sd54.org/instrumentenrollment/
We are excited to announce that the Department of Language and Culture will offer the Japanese Culture Camp this summer for Japanese Dual Language students entering Grades 1 through 4 in the fall of 2021.
Here is a flyer with additional information about the Japanese Culture Camp. Registration through the Parent Portal opens on Monday, April 19. Please feel free to contact the school with any questions you may have.
PTA needs your help! We are looking for some volunteers and donations to help us prepare for a wonderful teacher appreciation week. Click HERE to sign up.
Parents of Remote Learners: Please have your child cut the beach ball and write some kind things about their teacher. Include your child’s name and room number on the beach ball. Please drop off at school or mail to the school by Wednesday, April 28th. dooley beach ball.docx
Registration for the 2021-22 school year opened on Monday, March 29 through the Infinite Campus Portal. Please login to review the current information and make any necessary changes. If you do not have a portal account, you should have received an email on March 13 inviting you to create one.
As a reminder, all families are required to prove that they live within District 54 boundaries every year. If we are unable to verify your residency electronically, you will receive a letter by U.S. mail, which will list the residency documents you can provide to the school office to complete your registration.
You are also able to pay the $50 consumable fee for 2021-22, as well as purchase milk and sign up for the instructional device insurance through the portal. If you believe you will qualify for the Free Lunch Program in the 2021-22 school year, and therefore will receive a fee waiver, do not pay the consumable material fee now. Applications will be available in August for the Free Lunch Program.
Information about busing will be mailed the first week in June. Should you have any questions, please our office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Our 2021 Dooley’s Got Talent show is available for viewing!
Mark your calendars…Virtual Japanese Culture Night is Friday, April 30th from 7pm-8:15pm! Koto, Taiko, Karate, Origami, Go Zoom Link
Each event last 15min with some hands on activities! Stay tuned for details.
This Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 S.O. will host another Read aloud in Japanese followed by Where are they now? Tori Cifrino will talk about her experiences at Dooley. Then our monthly meeting starts at 7:30pm. Zoom Link
4月30日(金)7時ー8時15分 バーチャルカルチャーナイト、開催です!
箏、太鼓、空手、折り紙、囲碁 各イベント15分ずつで体験コーナー付き!詳細メールをお見逃しなく。
4月21日(水)7時は、Dooley日本語ストーリータイム(by親の会)その後Where are they now? ではTori CifrinoさんがDooleyでの体験をお話ししてくれます。ぜひご参加下さい!続いて7時半からの月例ミーティングにも参加ください。Zoom リンクは下記参照ください。
Help us by joining. If joined already, please tell your friends! Dues will be used for activities such as the Teachers Grant. PayPal or check are accepted and complete form: https://forms.gle/sajet75btPQAhup16
メンバー登録お願いします。先生方への助成金などにまだまだ役立てて頂けます。ご登録済みの方はお友達に進言お願いします!ペイパルか小切手で。以下フォームをご記入ください。 https://forms.gle/sajet75btPQAhup16
Help us our Amazon Smile account! A portion of your spend (at no extra fee or cost) would go directly to Schaumburg Oyanokai. Please use the hyperlink below: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-2175462 Please contact SO president ([email protected]) for questions and concerns.
April 21st: Oyanokai Meeting @ 7:00: Zoom Link
April 30th: Virtual Japanese Culture Night @ 7:00: Zoom Link
May 5th: Student Non-Attendance Day; Andy’s Frozen Custard Dining Night Out