First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your patience as we have worked through the very fluid situation around the reopening of our schools. Our staff would like nothing more than to be present with our students at school and unfortunately, it is not safe to do so at this time. As you’ve read in the email from Superintendent DuRoss this evening, we will be starting the 20-21 school year virtually. There have been many improvements to our virtual learning models and we are looking forward to building connections with students, engaging them in high levels of learning, and supporting their academic, social and emotional needs. Please see below for some important details around the start of the school year.
The start of our school year for students has been pushed back. The first day of school will be August 24th for all students in first through eighth grades. Kindergarten students will start school August 31st. Our back to school information night will be held virtually this year. Video links and presentations will be shared by email.
There will be a distribution day scheduled at Dooley so families can pick up textbooks, workbooks, and other instructional materials on August 17th or 18th. A detailed schedule will be shared with families with specific pick up times. Third grade students who will be returning their iPad and receiving a Chromebook, as well as incoming kindergarteners needing an iPad, and families who are new to SD54 will receive their digital devices at this time as well. Hotspots are also available for financially struggling families who don’t have internet access at home. Please contact our office if you need a hotspot.
On August 10th, families will be able to log into the parent portal to see their child’s class teacher. To set up a portal account, email [email protected]. Students who are in the dual language program will receive instruction from their English and Japanese teachers in the virtual model.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to each of our families. We are looking forward to welcoming your children, virtually, and partnering with you to best support the needs of our Dooley Dragons as we start the 20-21 school year.