
December 4, 2020

Llama drawing Llama drawing Llama drawing

We had a great week back to school after the nice long Thanksgiving break.  Our students have jumped right back into their school routines and are working hard during remote learning.  

This week’s classroom highlight is Mrs. Bach’s 2nd grade dual language class.  Students in room 110 spent time sharing what they were thankful for and sharing their own creations of stone gardens after reading the story, The Stone Garden. We hope you enjoy this week’s spotlight!  Room 110 Highlight

Parents, please see information below about the Optimistic Household Series.  There are great resources to access as a family, along with some live Zoom sessions.  The next module is about Being Adaptive in the Midst of Uncertainty and Change.  We hope you find this resource beneficial.

Optimistic Household Series: Module 4 Release

Sometimes we come across obstacles in our lives that lower our overall level of happiness and disrupt our path to success. The fourth Optimistic Household module, Being Adaptive in the Midst of Uncertainty and Change, is now available for you to access with your family here: Optimistic Household homepage. You can also view the first three modules. Don’t forget to share your family’s experiences with us on social media with #OptimisticHousehold and #54Happiness or by sending photos and videos to [email protected].

Attention 6th Grade Families

Today, students had an opportunity to have their questions about 7th grade answered with the junior high assistant principals during a live Q & A zoom session.  Next year’s scheduling is around the corner, and a 7th grade Elective Selection Google Form were emailed to you and your child today.  Please be on the lookout for that.  The Elective Selection Google Forms must be submitted by Friday, December 11th.  In addition, the junior highs will also be sharing a 6th Grade Parent Night video.  Both the Elective Selection Google Form and Parent Video will be emailed to you by your student’s junior high administration.  For our Dual Language and Chinese Immersion families, there will be an additional video shared with you in that same email.  The goal for all videos is to provide specific information about the program your child is enrolled in.

The School District 54 Food Pantry at Mead

The School District 54 Food Pantry at Mead:  The D54 Food Pantry at Mead is open and ready to serve our District 54 families. Although you will not be able to come into the pantry due to COVID restrictions, you will be able to place an order online and pick up at the pantry site.  Please click on this link to place your order online.  If you have any questions, please call (847) 357-6000.

District 54 Food Pantry Donations

During this unprecedented school year our six District 54 food pantries have been utilized more than ever before.  We know that many of our families and community members look to support these pantries especially as the holidays approach.  At this time, for safety reasons, we are not accepting physical supply donations, however monetary donations would be greatly appreciated and well utilized.  District 54 has set up a Food Pantry Donation page for interested families and community members through the Infinite Campus Portal.   To make a monetary donation, please log in to the Infinite Campus Portal HERE and follow the below example:

Log into Infinite Campus the same way you would normally.  On the left hand side you will see an option “School Store”

Clicking “Shop” will bring you to the below screen.  If your school has set up a donation page, you will see the school’s donation item along with the D54 food pantry.  If your school does not have an additional donation page you will only see the D54 food pantry icon.   You then click “View” in order to see the description and make a donation.

Schaumburg Oyanokai

We need your help:  Schaumburg Oyanokai Survey

Our next SO meeting is Wednesday, December 16th at 8pm. This meeting will feature a WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Dooley Dual Alumni Guest Speaker, Mr. Sean Honesty (graduated on 2010)!!! 

We are still very short of collecting membership. Please consider joining by complete the following form below and pay by either PayPal or check.

Amazon Smile:  When shop at Amazon, register SO for Amazon Smile!


 12月16日(水)8pm が次回ミーティングです。WHERE ARE THEY NOW?ゲストはSean Honestyさん(2010年卒)がゲストスピーカーです!お見逃しなく!


Amazon Smile:Amazonでお買い物の際は、シャンバーグ親の会をAmazon Smileにご登録ください!

ご質問等は会長:岡田亜希子 [email protected] までどうぞ。

Dooley PTA

New Facebook Page and Instagram account for Dooley PTA

Like and follow the PTA at and on Instagram at Dooley_elementary_pta for the most current information!

Read to Succeed

Six Flags has extended the use of Read to Succeed tickets from last school year until Aug 31st of 2021! 

Holiday Shop

We are extending this year’s Holiday Shop thru December 8th.  All gifts will arrive on or before December 15th. This year, the Holiday Shop is virtual.  All buying is online at the Dooley Holiday Shop website.  Information regarding pickup will be shared after items arrive.

Check out the YouTube video on how the shop works.

Chipotle Restaurant Fundraiser – This Wednesday, December 9th from 4pm to 8pm Chipolte.pdf 

Enjoy dinner from Chipotle and support the PTA!  33% of your sale will come back to the PTA.  Just show or mention the flier when ordering.  You can also order online or through the app and use code 8GZ3ZQN

Important Dates

November 23-December 4:  PTA Holiday Shop

November 25-27: Non Attendance Days

December 9th: Chipotle PTA Fundraiser 4:00-8:00

December 14th – December 18th:  Spirit Week

December 16th:  SO Zoom Meeting @ 8:00

December 18th: Winter break begins at the end of the day

January 4th:  School resumes