We enjoyed connecting with students and families during conferences the past couple of days. We could not be more proud of how hard our students have worked this school year. Thank you for your ongoing support.
We are looking forward to a fun filled spirit week for our remote and in person students! We will begin the week with a Dooley School Spirit Day on Tuesday. As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, February 15th.
Please see below for information regarding in person learning and supply pick up for our remote only students.
If you are looking for something fun to do while inside during the long chilly weekend, check out this story and dance from Mrs. Conrad. The Snow Dancer
Please note that our Kinder, first, and second grade lunch period will be adjusted slightly and will now be from 11:00-11:45 (previously was 11:15-12:00). This shift will allow us to have adequate lunch supervision in all rooms. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
If your child is new to in person learning, please watch the Dooley Welcome Back Video from this fall. Information regarding daily screenings, self-screener cards, masks, lanyards, arrival, and dismissal procedures are included. Additionally the arrival/dismissal procedures are included below in the PDF.
Parent Arrival _ Dismissal Procedures 2021.pdf
Please have your child(ren) line up in the classroom location assigned. As a reminder, students must maintain a distance of 6 feet apart and be wearing a mask. There are painted yellow lines already spaced out for distancing. We ask that you please do not stand with/next to your child so that we can adhere to safe social distancing protocols while waiting to come into the building. Students will be welcomed in at 8:30, with a staggered entrance procedure. Students should not be on school property prior to 8:25. At the end of the day, students will exit the same door they entered.
If your child will be in person, please plan to come to school with your district issued device and charger. Students in grades 3-6 should also bring their headsets. This equipment will still be essential to learning and staying connected as a classroom community.
Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 or who shows any signs or symptoms of illness must stay home. Please report possible cases of COVID-19 to your school so that we can initiate contact tracing and notify others who have had close contact.
Before returning to school the student must
People who have had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 must isolate at home and monitor their symptoms for 14 days. Close contact is defined as “any individual who has been closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes with or without a face covering.”
Individuals who are asymptomatic during the 14 days of quarantine do not need to produce a Release from Isolation letter from the local health department before returning to school. Individuals cannot return early, even if the individual has a negative COVID-19 test, due to the incubation and infectious period of COVID-19. For more details, please refer to the School District 54 Student Exclusion Chart.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I also encourage you to check out our website at sd54.org/reopeningd54 and to watch the Back to School video with your children.
Once again we are reaching out to our families and asking you to participate in the annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide us with your perspective and help guide our school improvement efforts. The parent survey will be available online through April 2, 2021.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is administered by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. If at least 20 percent of parents at a school complete the survey, a supplemental parent report will be generated and shared with schools. We are hoping to meet the target this year at Dooley.
Link for parents to take the survey: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
What a great time to snuggle up with a new book! View the book fair flier highlighting all the new books here: https://bookfairsfiles.scholastic.com/flippingbooks/S21-Virtual-Booklist/S21-Virtual-Booklist.html#p=1
Shop the book fair by visiting https://www.scholastic.com/bf/dooleyelementaryschool
Book-only orders over $25 will ship free and all orders ship to your home!
New this year, show your appreciation to the Dooley staff and support the Dooley library by contributing funds to fulfill their book wish list! Use this link to donate: https://shop.scholastic.com/ewallet/fund?lang=en_US&walletId=2161685
Our teachers are preparing student materials for our remote only students for the third trimester. Parents can pick up their children’s materials anytime between 7:45 and 4:00 Wednesday, February 24th thru Friday, February 26th. We would recommend avoiding the arrival and dismissal times.
The Dooley PTA is coordinating auction baskets/items for the Schaumburg Township Council of PTAs Annual Auction Event and we need your help! Each year the Schaumburg Township Council of PTA’s offers college scholarships to former District 54 students, and summer experience scholarships to current students. The funds to support these scholarships are raised during the STC’s Annual Silent/Live Auction event. Each of the 28 schools in SD54 are asked to contribute.
Since all our Dooley students can benefit from the scholarship funds offered by the STC (visit https://sd54.org/pta/ for more info on scholarships), we are asking the entire school for donations (but make sure to join the Dooley PTA today so you can apply for scholarships).
We are looking for NEW / UNOPENED ITEMS listed below:
Kindergarten Families- Basket Theme “Little Artists”
1st Grade Families- Basket Theme “A Pampered Pup”
2nd Grade Families- Basket Theme “Family Game Night”
3rd & 4th Grade Families- Basket Theme “Beach Day”
5th & 6th Grade Families- Basket Theme “Coffee Lovers”
* We also welcome a Target or Walmart gift card that can be used to purchase additional items for the baskets. Please be sure to include receipt or value amount with gift cards.
* If you have a business, we would love to highlight it either with a product or service donation (with your business named on the auction platform)
Donation items must be dropped off at the school office prior to March 1st.
Please contact Nicole at [email protected] to coordinate other delivery/pick up of donations or with any questions. Thank you for your support to the Dooley PTA!
Each open enrollment school will have an additional informational session where you can learn more about that specific school, it’s culture and curriculum and also take a virtual tour of the school. You will have the opportunity to talk to the principal and staff members.
Students must be registered at their District 54 neighborhood school before they can be accepted into an open enrollment program. Registration opens on February 3, 2021. Open Enrollment applications are available at sd54.org/openenrollment and are due by March 5, 2021.
February 6th – 19th: PTA Virtual Book Fair
February 15th: Non-Attendance Day, Presidents Day
February 16th: First day of expanded in person model: All in person students attend
February 24th – February 26th: Supply Pick Up for Remote Only Students