Hopefully, you all had a chance to read through the Reopening Plan sent by Superintendent DuRoss on Friday. Please log into http://families.sd54.org and select in-person or virtual learning by Friday, July 17.
All principals are sending a follow-up email today, so that you know you can reach out to us with any questions specific to our school or your child. We also want to make sure that you understand that the plan shared Friday is based on the information we have at this time. Guidance from the state could change at any time, especially if the number of cases of COVID-19 increases and our state is forced to move back into Phase 1, 2 or 3.
At this time, the start date is August 17. It is possible that date could be pushed back. It is also possible that at any time during the school year, we may have to move to all students attending school virtually. We want to make that clear to you up front and promise that we will keep you informed as soon as possible of any changes.
We also want you to know that we are still working out some specific details. Once we know how many students are choosing each option, we can better plan for specific class sizes, classroom set-up and programming. We have task forces currently meeting to discuss elementary instruction, the junior high setting, special education and early childhood.
Thank you for all of your feedback and questions as we work together to plan for the 2020-21 school year. Whether you took the remote learning survey in May, the reopening school survey in June/July or simply contacted me or the district, I hope you know we are listening to your questions and concerns and doing our best to craft a plan that best supports our students during these uncertain times. As mentioned in the email from the superintendent, we have created a website – http://sd54.org/COVID19 – which includes the reopening plan, as well as a page of Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQ page was updated today based on questions received from families this weekend. We hope this helps you in making a choice that is best for your children.