One of our highlight’s this week was our all school BINGO game…the HAPPY edition. Remote and in person learners had fun playing together. This week, students also took time to share a favorite memory, do something small to make a positive impact, and reflect on their goals from earlier in the month. We are so proud of how kind and hardworking our Dooley Dragons are!
Thank you for your support at arrival and dismissal. As a reminder, please do not cross your child in the middle of the street during arrival or dismissal. The only location students should cross the street is at the corner of Norwood and Lowell Lanes. It is also important that cars do not make U-turns on Lowell Lane.
Are you looking to support our school community? Look no further…Dooley is in search for a PTA president for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in learning more, please call our school at 847-357-6250.
Vision screening has been conducted and or is in process for the IDPH mandated grades for those students attending school on site. This a reminder Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation. Please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Johnson, with any questions.
Registration for the 2021-22 school year will open on Monday, March 29 through the Infinite Campus Portal. Please login to review the current information and make any necessary changes. If you do not have a portal account, you should have received an email on March 13 inviting you to create one.
As a reminder, all families are required to prove that they live within District 54 boundaries every year. If we are unable to verify your residency electronically, you will receive a letter by U.S. mail, which will list the residency documents you can provide to the school office to complete your registration.
You are also able to pay the $50 consumable fee for 2021-22, as well as purchase milk and sign up for the instructional device insurance through the portal. If you believe you will qualify for the Free Lunch Program in the 2021-22 school year, and therefore will receive a fee waiver, do not pay the consumable material fee now. Applications will be available in August for the Free Lunch Program.
Information about busing will be mailed the first week in June. Should you have any questions, please our office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Once again we are reaching out to our families and asking you to participate in the annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide us with your perspective and help guide our school improvement efforts. The parent survey will be available online through April 2, 2021.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is administered by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. If at least 20 percent of parents at a school complete the survey, a supplemental parent report will be generated and shared with schools. We are hoping to meet the target this year at Dooley.
Link for parents to take the survey:
Wednesday 3/17/21 at 7:00 p.m.
Read aloud in Japanese by SO again! This time, our Alumni, Dominick DeLuca will be reading for Dooley students! He will also talk about his experiences at Dooley in Where are they now? Then our monthly meeting starts at 7:30pm. Zoom Link
Help us by joining. If joined already, please tell your friends! PayPal or check are accepted and complete form:
Help us thr Amazon Smile account! A portion of your spend (at no extra fee or cost) would go directly to Schaumburg Oyanokai. Please use the hyperlink below: Please contact SO president ([email protected]) for questions and concerns.
3月17日(水)7時より、Dooleyの皆さんのためのストーリータイムの日本語の本を、卒業生のDominick DeLucaさんが読んでくださいます!その後のWhere are they now? でDooleyでの体験をお話ししてくれます。ぜひご参加下さい!続いて7時半からの月例ミーティングにも参加ください。
ご質問等は会長:岡田亜希子 [email protected] までどうぞ。
March 17th: Schaumburg Oyanokai read aloud and ‘Where are they Now?’ at 7:00 meeting @ 7:30: Zoom Link
March 19th: Spring break begins at the end of the day
March 29th: School Resumes
April 2nd: Non-attendance Day
April 6th: Non-attendance Day, Election Day; PTA Dining Night Out – Lou Malnatti’s