Remote only students received paper for cranes at supply pick up. In person learners will receive paper for cranes, soon!
What a fun week it was as we kicked off our Happiness Month. We loved seeing students with their orange frog hats this week. Students set goals for the month, enjoyed reading books, launched the kindness challenge, and took time to make someone’s day feel special. This weekend, we are encouraging families to play a game together and enjoy some family time outside. We would love to see your pictures by tagging @DooleySchool54 on Twitter or Instagram.
We are excited to highlight Mrs. Thomas’ art classes this week. Students had lots of fun learning and creating this week. We hope you enjoy the Dooley Art Highlight!
Our arrival and dismissal continues to be congested. We ask for your help in ensuring students are safe. Please do not cross your child in the middle of the street during arrival or dismissal. The only location students should cross the street is at the corner of Norwood and Lowell Lanes. Thank you for your patience.
Once again we are reaching out to our families and asking you to participate in the annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide us with your perspective and help guide our school improvement efforts. The parent survey will be available online through April 2, 2021.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is administered by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. If at least 20 percent of parents at a school complete the survey, a supplemental parent report will be generated and shared with schools. We are hoping to meet the target this year at Dooley.
Link for parents to take the survey:
Each year in District 54, students who are identified as English Language Learners take a state mandated test to measure the growth of their English language proficiency skills. This year, the ACCESS for ELLs Language Proficiency Assessment will be administered between March 17 and May 12. Due to the test design, the ACCESS test cannot be administered virtually, and so the state of Illinois is requiring schools to give this test in person to all students who are identified as English Language Learners. If your student is a remote learner, you receive a letter next week with information regarding their testing days and times. Thank you for all of your support and understanding as we complete this assessment.
Our next PTA meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 8th at 5:00 P.M. We hope to see you there! Zoom Link
Important Dates
March 8th: PTA Meeting Zoom Link
March 17th: Schaumburg Oyanokai meeting @ 8:00
March 19th: Spring break begins at the end of the day
March 29th: School Resumes
April 2nd: Non-attendance Day
April 6th: Non-attendance Day, Election Day