Some of our fourth graders participated in a Positivity Padlet this week, highlighted in the picture and link above. Students found inspirational quotes and explained why they quote resonated with them. We enjoyed seeing students talk about the importance of doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, showing kindness, and having a growth mindset. These are important qualities that we focus on at Dooley school and it is exciting to see our students making their own connections to this work. Families can engage in more opportunities spark positivitiy and optimism by checking out the Optimistic Household Series (below).
Our classroom highlight this week is Ms. Hernandez’ 3rd grade dual language classroom. Some peak moments this week included students writing about happy memories and writing thank you letters to Veterans. There are many things to celebrate in this week’s Room 220 Highlights!
District 54 and Schaumburg Parent University have some very exciting news – we have launched Optimistic Household! This is a six-part series led by Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and The Orange Frog.
During these unprecedented times, the social-emotional well-being of our students is of utmost importance. By launching Optimistic Household, we aim to spark positivity, optimism and hope within our students and families.
Optimistic Household builds upon these principles, supporting the skills students need to be college and career ready, as well as engaged citizens. Skills that will help them become resilient and resourceful learners, who are able to adapt and demonstrate grit as they face academic and other challenges.
The neuroscience and data behind these principles reaffirm that students, who possess hope and optimism and embrace mistakes as part of the learning process, can become adaptable learners and succeed at higher levels both academically and personally. We are so pleased to be able to share this first-ever opportunity and important information with our community.
Please visit the Optimistic Household homepage on our website to view Shawn Achor’s introduction and for more information about the series.
Are you a person who sees a glass half full? How are you helping your children to become optimistic, positive people? Help your child build their resilience as an optimistic person. The first Optimistic Household module, Happiness & Gratitude in Challenging Times, is now available for you to access with your family here: Optimistic Household homepage. Don’t forget to share your family’s experiences with us on social media with #OptimisticHousehold and #54Happiness.
Join the District 54 community at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, for a further look into Module 1, a chance to share your family’s experiences and for a sneak peek of Module 2! Please pre-register for this virtual session at This session is also available in Spanish. Optimistic Household 11-17 Virtual Discussion flyer (English) Optimistic Household 11-17 Virtual Discussion flyer (Spanish)
The School District 54 Food Pantry at Mead: The D54 Food Pantry at Mead is now open and ready to serve our District 54 families. Any family that can use this support at this time is encouraged to use this community food pantry. Although you will not be able to come into the pantry due to COVID restrictions, you will be able to order from the D54 Food Pantry either online or by phone in advance and then pick-up your ordered boxes that will be delivered to your car upon arrival. Please click on this LINK to place your order online or call 847-357-6084 to request a food pantry pick-up. D54 Mead Food Pantry Flyer November 2020.pdf
We are excited to share some virtual club offerings for our students. Please keep in mind that due to our current restrictions, all clubs will be virtual this year. Please take a look at some of the clubs at Dooley School! 20-21 Club Brochure
The Illinois State Board of Education annually releases school report cards that show how each school, each district and the state is performing on a wide range of educational goals. The 2020 report card information posted on the state’s website at and linked in the Families menu on the District 54 website. If you do not have access to the Internet or prefer to receive a hard copy, you may call the school at 847-357-6250.
Next SO zoom meeting is Wed. 11/18 at 8pm. For WHERE ARE THEY NOW?, SO welcomes our 2nd Dooley Dual Alumni Guest Speaker, Ms. Chase Dorn! She graduated 2011.
次回ZOOMミーティングは11月18日(水)8時 WHERE ARE THEY NOW?今回のDooleyDual卒業生はChase Dornさん(2011卒)です!卒業後Dooleyについて感じている事などのお話や質問コーナーも有り。お見逃しなく!
You can support SO by signing up for Amazon Smile. SO Amazon Smile 2020-21.docx
Like and follow the PTA at and on Instagram at Dooley_elementary_pta for the most current information!
The annual PTA Holiday Shop will be November 23-December 4. All sales will be online. More information soon!
Enjoy dinner from Chipolte and support the PTA! 33% of your sale will come back to the PTA. Just show or mention the flier when ordering. You can also order online or through the app and use code 8GZ3ZQN
November 18: 8:00 p.m. SO Zoom Meeting
November 20: Report cards available through the parent portal
November 23-December 4: PTA Holiday Shop
November 25-27: Non Attendance Days
December 9th: Chipotle PTA Fundraiser 4:00-8:00