Our classroom highlight this week is Ms. Komoda’s 3rd grade dual language class. Room 221 students practiced the happiness tactic, The Doubler. This happiness tactic is designed to help you control your brain chemistry by reliving a positive emotional experience. Please enjoy the movie created by students. It is sure to leave you feeling positive! Room 221 Movie.
The beautiful weather this weekend is a great opportunity to have some fun as a family by participating in the Turkey Trot. Share your photos and videos with us on the Turkey Trot Website and Padlet!
The Department of Language and Culture released a series of videos for parents and guardians in the Dual/Immersion Program to support language learning during the 20-21 school year. The videos cover these topics:
Dual Language Support Videos
This year all District 54 schools and students are invited to take part in the annual Trot. Get out, have fun, and trot on!
Pick a day between November 1st and 8th to Trot!
·Kindergarten: 1 Block or .25 Miles
·First & Second Grades: 2 Blocks or .5 Miles
·Third & Fourth Grades: 3 Blocks or .75 Miles
·Fifth & Sixth Grades: 4 Blocks or 1 Mile
Share your photos and videos with us on the Turkey Trot Website and Padlet!
The School District 54 Food Pantry at Mead: The D54 Food Pantry at Mead is now open and ready to serve our District 54 families. Any family that can use this support at this time is encouraged to use this community food pantry. Although you will not be able to come into the pantry due to COVID restrictions, you will be able to order from the D54 Food Pantry either online or by phone in advance and then pick-up your ordered boxes that will be delivered to your car upon arrival. Please click on this LINK to place your order online or call 847-357-6084 to request a food pantry pick-up. D54 Mead Food Pantry Flyer November 2020.pdf
We are excited to share some virtual club offerings for our students. Please keep in mind that due to our current restrictions, all clubs will be virtual this year. Please take a look at some of the clubs at Dooley School! 20-21 Club Brochure
This year, we will again be implementing a child sexual abuse prevention program in our schools as the result of the passage of Public Act 097-1147, also known as Erin’s Law. Please see that attachment for additional information. Erin’s Law Parent Letter 2020.docx
The Illinois State Board of Education annually releases school report cards that show how each school, each district and the state is performing on a wide range of educational goals. The 2020 report card information posted on the state’s website at illinoisreportcard.com and linked in the Families menu on the District 54 website. If you do not have access to the Internet or prefer to receive a hard copy, you may call the school at 847-357-6250.
Girls Scouts is having an informational virtual ice cream social on November 18th from 6 to 7. We would love for you to join. See th flyer for information and registration for event. Any questions you can email Shannon at [email protected]. Girl Scouts Virtual Ice Cream Science at Dooley Flyer.pdf
Next SO zoom meeting is Wed. 11/18 at 8pm. For WHERE ARE THEY NOW?, SO welcomes our 2nd Dooley Dual Alumni Guest Speaker, Ms. Chase Dorn! She graduated 2011.
次回ZOOMミーティングは11月18日(水)8時 WHERE ARE THEY NOW?今回のDooleyDual卒業生はChase Dornさん(2011卒)です!卒業後Dooleyについて感じている事などのお話や質問コーナーも有り。お見逃しなく!
You can support SO by signing up for Amazon Smile. SO Amazon Smile 2020-21.docx
Like and follow the PTA at facebook.com/DooleyPTA and on Instagram at Dooley_elementary_pta for the most current information!
With your support, the PTA earned $212! Have an idea what the PTA should use the money for??? Come to the next PTA meeting and share!
The next PTA meeting will be held on Monday, November 9th at 5pm over Zoom. Zoom on in to learn more about what the PTA plans for this year and to vote on the audit and budget.
November 9: PTA Zoom Meeting
November 10: End of First Trimester
November 18: SO Zoom Meeting
November 20: Report cards available through the parent portal
November 25-27: Non Attendance Days