We are excited to keep the fun going next week with our a school spirit week, hosted by our Student Ambassadors! This year, we invite students to wear their costumes on Wednesday, October 28th. We would love to see some pictures and encourage you to tag @DooleySchool54 on Twitter or Instagram with the #DooleyCostumeDay.
Our classroom highlight this week is Ms. Serna’s 3rd and 4th grade class. Students shared some of their #MagnificentMoments with us from the classroom and from home! Room 225 Highlight
Are you interested in becoming a PTA member? Please see below for information on how to sign up and support our school. Payments will be accepted thru October 31st.
It is hard to believe that we are already nearing the start of our second trimester. Our teachers have been working hard to organize materials for students who are participating in fully remote learning. We have blocked out some time on Wednesday, October 28th for supply pick up.
If you would like to receive a text message from District 54, you can sign up by texting the word YES to the number 68453. You can opt out at any time by texting STOP to the same number. Make sure you are texting from a phone number that we have on file in District 54.
Students utilizing drop and go, should have be able to exit the car independently. We ask that parents do not park in the drop and go lane. If you child needs help getting out, please plan to park and walk your child to their entrance area.
For the safety of our staff and students, students and parents are only permitted to cross the street at the corner of Norwood and Lowell lane, where there is a crossing guard present.
You can return these by dropping them off at supply pick up or bringing them to school on your assigned hybrid learning day.
New Facebook Page and Instagram account for Dooley PTA
Like and follow the PTA at facebook.com/DooleyPTA and on Instagram at Dooley_elementary_pta
Please join Dooley PTA today to support literacy, foster community and show appreciation to staff and students. This year, you can make a membership payment using Credit/Debit Card. Please follow the link below to get your Dooley PTA membership today. Membership payments are accepted at this site until October 31st. 2020-2021 Membership Payment Link We still accept a check payment as well. Payable to “Dooley PTA”. Please send it to: Dooley Elementary School, 622 Norwood Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60193.
Who knew!?! You can support Dooley PTA at no extra cost when you shop at smile.amazon.com. Simply sign up at https://smile.amazon.com/, select Dr Thomas Dooley School PTA as your charity and start generating donations at no cost to you. Every time you shop at smile.amazon.com, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to Dooley PTA!!
Order from Lou Malnati’s on Tuesday November 3rd and 20% of your purchase will be donated to the Dooley PTA! Order between 11am and 10pm from Lou’s on Roselle or between 4pm and 10pm from the Lou Malanti’s on Barrington. Mention the fundraiser when ordering, show the flier on your phone or use the code FUNDDES20 when ordering online! See the attached flier. LouMalnati’sFlier.pdf
October 28: Remote Learning Supply Pick Up (for fully remote students)
November 3: Non-Attendance Day; PTA Lou Malnati Night
November 25-27: Non Attendance Days