What a great week we have had! Our teachers are all so proud of our Dooley students and how hard they have been working this year. We enjoyed connecting with families yesterday and today during conferences.
We are amazed by all of the creatively decorated pumpkins that were dropped off on Thursday…over 100! Feel free to check out our Pumpkin Padlet to see some pictures. Families are welcome to drive by and look at the pumpkins all weekend. If you do get out of your cars, please remember to wear your mask and stay socially distanced. Pumpkins will be on display until they become mushy.
This week’s class highlight is Ms. Whowell’s 5th grade dual language class. Her class made a video to highlight what makes 114 so great. “We are always nice, and hard working…We help each other, are kind, and care for each other.”…are just a few of their own words. Room 114 Video
Notification of group A (Monday/Thursday attendance) and group B (Tuesday/Friday attendance) cohorts will be shared with families on October 13th at 4:00.
As the start of hybrid learning approaches, we have plans in place to ensure that student symptom free verification cards and bus passes are picked up in a safe and organized way. On October 15th (see schedule below) we will facilitate a badge pick up drive through system for students in grades k – 6. Any student returning to school for the hybrid model must pick up a badge (symptom free verification card) and if needed a bus pass. Pick up times are arranged alphabetically. Please read carefully to ensure that the procedures are followed as best as possible. Please know, students cannot enter the school without a symptom free verification card and a completed self-screener.
Day | Time | Last Name |
Thursday, October 15th | 8:00-9:00 | All last names that begin with letters A-H |
11:15-12:30 | All last names that begin letters I-P | |
3:00-4:00 | All last names that begin with letters Q-Z |
District 54 will provide an asynchronous day of learning on Friday, October 16th. This day will focus on activities based on the book I Am Human by well-known author Susan Verde and Art by Peter H. Reynolds. Their book, I Am Human, is a book about embracing empathy and the potential of each day. This book and the activities for the day, encourage us to make good choices by acting with compassion and having empathy for ourselves and others. The social-emotional lesson activities will focus on being The Best Version of Me! Students will be able to select activities that support their social-emotional well-being. Our school will also have a Padlet where students can share a picture, post or video of their work from the day. The interactive link for activities will be sent to you on Friday, October 16th.
This day will focus on how we learn, dream, and wonder to be the best version of ourselves. We hope you’ll join us to share how you’re connected to your friends, your family, your school, and your community. After all, we are all humans together!
Kindergarten and 6th grade parents, please remember to submit new physical exam and immunization records to the school no later than October 15th. Parents can email these documents to Mrs. Johnson, [email protected], mail them to the school, or drop them off at the office by scheduling a time 847-357-6250. Students must be up to date to begin hybrid learning.
New Facebook Page and Instagram account for Dooley PTA
Like and follow the PTA at facebook.com/DooleyPTA and on Instagram at Dooley_elementary_pta
The Book Fair is open for business from Oct 5th until Oct 18th. All orders ship to your home! All book orders over $25 ship for free! Dooley’s goal is 470 books, for the 470 students at the school. The book fair not only gets books to students, but it also supports Dooley’s library. The library earns 25% of the dollars spent at the book fair to use to purchase more books! Visit the online book fair website at: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/dooleyelementaryschool to start shopping!
Please join Dooley PTA today to support literacy, foster community and show appreciation to staff and students. The membership makes all of this possible. This year, students and staff are working very hard to adjust to a new normal. To help them, PTA is planning fun and safe events for everyone. We are open to new ideas. Feel free to share your ideas with PTA. Your continuous support is a key for a successful school year. This year, you can make a membership payment using Credit/Debit Card. Please follow the link below to get your Dooley PTA membership today. Membership payments are accepted at this site until October 31st. 2020-2021 Membership Payment Link We still accept a check payment as well. Payable to “Dooley PTA”. Please send it to: Dooley Elementary School, 622 Norwood Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60193.
Who knew!?! You can support Dooley PTA at no extra cost when you shop at smile.amazon.com. Simply sign up at https://smile.amazon.com/, select Dr Thomas Dooley School PTA as your charity and start generating donations at no cost to you. Every time you shop at smile.amazon.com, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to Dooley PTA!!
Typically, our PTA posts the annual audit outside of the school; however due to the current Pandemic we felt it would be easily accessible electronically. Audit FY2019 (07.01.2019-06.30.2020).pdf
This year, more than anytime ever, we need your membership contribution. Since most of our fundraising activities are cancelled, this is the main avenue to contribute.
Schaumburg Oyanokai will be accepting member registrations online! Membership dues may be paid by either PayPal or check. Please complete the following form to become a Schaumburg Oyanokai member: https://forms.gle/sajet75btPQAhup16
For more information, please contact Akiko Okada, president: [email protected]
ペイパルか小切手で受け付けます。以下フォームをご記入ください。 https://forms.gle/sajet75btPQAhup16
ご質問等は会長:岡田亜希子 [email protected] までどうぞ。
October 5-18: PTA Virtual Book Fair
October 12: Student non-attendance day
October 13: PTA Zoom Meeting @ 6:00
October 16: Teacher Remote Planning Day and Student Asynchronous Learning Day: The Best Version of Me
October 21: SO Zoom Meeting @ 8:00