This is an exciting week in District 54 as we welcome students to in-person learning two days a week. As you prepare to send your child this week, please take a moment to review the important information below. Thank you for your support in keeping our students and staff healthy.
Prior to Monday or Tuesday, please watch the Dooley Welcome Back Video: It is important that you and your child watch this video. Information regarding daily screenings, self-screener cards, masks, lanyards, arrival, and dismissal procedures are highlighted here. Additionally the arrival/dismissal procedures are included below in the PDF.
Parent Information_ Hybrid Arrival_Dismissal.pdf
Please have your child(ren) line up in the classroom location assigned. As a reminder, students must maintain a distance of 6 feet apart and be wearing a mask. There are painted yellow lines already spaced out for distancing. We ask that you please do not stand with/next to your child so that we can adhere to safe social distancing protocols while waiting to come into the building. Parents should not proceed past the red perimeter in the attached map. Students will be welcomed in at 8:30, with a staggered entrance procedure. Students should not be on school property prior to 8:25. At the end of the day, students will exit the same door they entered.
If your child has opted for the in-person hybrid model, please plan to come to school with your district issued device and charger. Students in grades 3-6 should also bring their headsets. This equipment will still be essential to learning and staying connected as a classroom community.
Each day of hybrid learning students must:
Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 or who shows any signs or symptoms of illness must stay home. Please report possible cases of COVID-19 to your school so that we can initiate contact tracing and notify others who have had close contact.
Before returning to school the student must
People who have had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 must isolate at home and monitor their symptoms for 14 days. Close contact is defined as “any individual who has been closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes with or without a face covering.”
Individuals who are asymptomatic during the 14 days of quarantine do not need to produce a Release from Isolation letter from the local health department before returning to school. Individuals cannot return early, even if the individual has a negative COVID-19 test, due to the incubation and infectious period of COVID-19. For more details, please refer to the School District 54 Student Exclusion Chart.
The Cook County Department of Public Health has added a number of states to its travel quarantine list. Any person entering Cook County after visiting one of these high-incidence states for more than 24 hours must quarantine for 14 days after returning home. Students in the in-person hybrid plan would need to attend school remotely during the quarantine period if they were to visit these states. Please consult the Suburban Cook County Travel Quarantine List (updated on Tuesdays) and let your child’s teacher know if your child needs to quarantine.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I also encourage you to check out our website at and to watch the Back to School video with your children.